Thursday, December 31, 2009

Believe in Miracles

Along with my psychic adventures, I will also talk about divine intervention, when nothing seems to be going right and all of a sudden, someone appears to help or something just clicks and all is better. Some people say it is coincidence, but coincidence is only God's way of helping us out anonymously.

My angel intervention story: 12/31/09

As some of you know, my computer is not working and I could not find the receipt to prove that is still under warranty. I went back to Best Buy to talk about how my computer was doing because they have had it for a week. Since this was a new person helping me, I told him about not being able to find my receipt. He searched and searched the database with my two credit cards with no luck. In the midst of him doing this, I started praying to my litany of saints, which includes St. Michael. When I came to Micheal's name, the computer tech, asked if it could be under any name, I said it could be under my brother's; however, it could not possibly be there. Lo and Behold, it was! Now I do not have to pay for the service since it is still under warranty. I know St. Michael was at work, the computer tech was also named Michael.

Thank you St. Michael and all you saints. I have a special spot in my heart for St. Michael since I was named after him. When times get rough, he is always willing to help; all you have to do is ask.

If interested in reading more about St. Michael, Doreen Virtue has a new book about him. It's called the Miracles of Archangel Michael. It's an easy read and talks about Michael helping out with
car problems, mechanical malfunctions and relationships. The only drawback is you can only read so many stories about people becoming stranded or appliances not working; so, at times, it does become boring.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Two Days Early

December 30, 2009

I'm so excited to start my blog that I'm starting two days early.

I have named my blog "My Year to Shine." I have chosen this title from the fact that when I visited a psychic for my fortieth birthday, she told me the upcoming year everything I touched would turn to gold!

For those of you who do not believe in psychics, I am sorry. There are individuals in this world who have been blessed by God and have a sixth sense to see into our souls. Of course, one should not place all their trust in this paranormal activity, but have fun with the information provided.

I have so many insights from this psychic encounter that I wanted to share. You will have to wait until January 1st until I start divulging some of the predictions.

Who knows maybe my blog will be turned into a movie.