Friday, February 26, 2010


Tara's grandmom died this week and the eulogy was one of the most beautiful I ever read. I should ask to print some of it in this post; however, in the lines I read one stood out from all the rest: Moms never leave. Our blessed mother never left our Lord's side and I know my mother and grandmothers would never abandon me.

As an exercise in egomania, maybe I should start writing my own eulogy.


Compliments come out of nowhere and when you do receive them, it makes your world a bit brighter. My brother passed onto me that Katie Cassesse, my real estate agent told him, "I was her favorite customer she ever had." It brought tears to my eyes knowing that real estate people see tons of people on a regular basis and I was one of her fav.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reach out

It seems my reaching out to an ex does have an advantage. For Valentine's Day weekend, one sent me a Valentine's ecard and told me he still has feelings for me.

I was touched because nobody else remembered me for this fake holiday and I still care for him.

This is just what I need. I would like to try again. Hopefully, if we go slow, it will work out.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am not perfect. I am still working on broken relationships and hope one day they will be restored. I ask for that special grace for this to happen. I know how Job felt when his friends turned their backs on him.

It is not easy, but it is better living with peace in my heart than anger and hate to take up space in my life for free.

Anyway, I keep on trying........................

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Contemporary masses

God is always guiding me and asking me to improve in some way. I do not appreciate contemporary masses. I was a bit dismayed when I saw a man carrying a guitar into the church. Good grief this is going to last forever. I am a fan of the quiet masses when there is not much singing. I feel more at peace.

However, God wanted me to listen as the choir practiced before mass and I was actually moved to tears by the beautiful serenade of angelic rhythms. Plus, he sent one of our DeSales students to sit by me in the same pew. This young man is so devout that I was again moved to tears.

Thank you God for opening my eyes to the beauty of worship, no matter what form it takes.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super what?

It's Super Bowl Sunday 2010 in Miami

It's the Indianapolis Colts v. New Orleans Saints

I don't care anything about football, but if I had to choose a team it would be the Saints. The only reason I would choose them is because all that New Orleans has been through in the last few years due to Hurrican Katrina. This would bring pride back to the city and have the people believe in something again.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We're in the midst of having a blizzard today: 2/7/10. Still coming down at 9am.


Have you ever put a sweater on and one of your earrings came out? Well, I thought that happened since when I had my sweater on there was no earring in. I then said, "St. Anthony help me." Nothing happpend and being a bit down, I whined and asked, "Why won't you help me?" Lo and behold I looked down and my earring was on my desk.

I'm sorry for my lack of faith. Plus, for caring too much about a material object.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Think of others

When I am feeling down, I try to focus on other people and assist them in any manner God sees fit. Today I helped a library science student, one of our alumni gather some resources for a project he was working on. Of course he could have come any day of the week, but he came on a day when I really wanted to help someone.

Thanks John G.

Small miracles

God looks after my financial well being. As mentioned earlier, my quilt is ready and with it, I need to pay Pat for her work. My parents gave me money towards whatever I need; so, I was going to put it towards the quilt. I only needed another $100.00 and I would be set. I easily could have taken it out of my checking; however, I do not have to do it. In the mail this evening, I received a check for $100.00 for some of the faternal activities I am involved in.

Interesting to have the check come on the day when I needed it. Pretty clever. Thank you God.

Friends on FB

I have 220 friends on Facebook. These 220 people are made up of relatives, colleagues,staff, faculty, alumni, administration and friends, friends of friends.
The funny thing is how many of these people are actually a friend in the true sense of the word or are they only just a number?

In some instances, I hear more from people I hardly know than relatives.

Three weeks

I can't believe the Morning Call did not choose me for their book section profile. In this profile, they ask you about ten questions about your reading habits, and then print it in the newspaper.

Some of the profiles they have chose are not so good; so, I don't know why they didn't choose mine. One I think it is because my answers were a bit slanted in that they weighed heavily on the vampire genre. Or they have a deep seated resentment against librarians. Hmmmmm!

I must call to find out the real reason...............

Back in shape

I rejoined Fitquest last month. I went back because I like the owners, Barry and Laurie LoveLace, the atmosphere is warm, clean and friendly, and the offering of classes are things that I could not find at any of the other neighboring gyms.

Plus, the price is great at $35.00 a month. You can't beat that.

Since I live farther away than I used to, I push myself to go three days a week. It is something I need and I really feel better when I go.

Thanks for taking me back B&L.

Everending quilt

My everending quilt is done. I was working on it three years and only had about ten blocks to prove for my sweat and tears. I was hand quilting it. Not wanting to give up the time I had invested in it, I asked Pat Blum to finish it. It took her year and next week is when I'll be picking it up.

This project started with me wanting to make two baby blankets for my twin nieces who are four by the way. However, the woman in charge said, it would be nice to make something for myself instead. Ok, mind you I'm not a fabulous sewer, I thought this was something I could handle. So week after week, I trudged up to June's house and spent about three hours mercifully trying to sew a knot.

For all this pain I endured, more discomfort was added with me paying $75.00 every ten weeks. After about three years June and her husband Jay moved to MA and I was left with my quilt pieces, the other paying clients and our determination to finish. My motivation went out the window about six months after June left; so, it was fate when I met Pat and gave her my project.

Hallelujah! I can't wait to place my quilt on my bed.

Lesson learned, start off small. Those baby blankets would have been a perfect start.