Sunday, January 31, 2010

Last day of January

Well Mr. January did not show, but had two dinner dates which proved fruitless. I'm already hooked on March in which is the next month I might meet someone according to my psychic.

I also picked up a horoscope book which said, this is the year I may be single for the last time. It also confirmed March as a good month.

Okay 29 days until the third month of the year.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Apport is when things miraculously appear and nobody knows where they came from. My mom said when I was in the hospital as a child, a doll appeared and had not a clue of who brought it. My dad said it was probably from a neighbor, but the neighbor was not identified. When I was born, my Mom's Uncle John promised me a doll, but he died when I was six months old. Could it have been from him?

From time to time I notice things appearing, but I would really like to know what happens when things miraculously disappear. I have a long list of items I can't find, but don't know where they are.

The truly amazing story of things disappearing is when I left my watch on the coffee table in the morning and when I had come home in the evening, it was not there. I tried looking for it, but to no avail. A year later I was cleaning under my bed and there was my watch. Some of you naysayers may conclude I was being careless and somehow landed under my bed, I was drunk or some other bizarre excuse.

I recently found out that the word is "asport."

Hencing finding my watch, there are countless items I can't find. Please say Anthony come around, things are missing and must be found.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Myers Briggs Personality Test

ESFJ - My results from the Myers Briggs Personality Test: "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.

I would agree with this profile analyze. I'm always making sure people are having a good time and all is well in the world.

Famous ESFJ profiles: Terry Bradshaw, Sally Field, Danny Glover, William Mckinley....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Almost over

Only ten more days until January is over and no sign of Mr. January. Not even close. I'm going to start looking at March. This is when the next appearance of someone will walk into my life.

During the last few days, I realized, I may not find someone. I am okay with it. It may not be fair; however, I am not going to settle for second best.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mr. March

January is almost over and no sign of Mr. January. My psychic did say I would miss him if I harbored any feelings for someone from my past. Unfortunately or fortunately, whatever way I look at it, this is true. However, March will bring someoneinto my life.

Okay I'm thinking spring.....................

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just a reason

There's no rhyme or reason for anything let alone me writing this entry. God protect and guide us.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

40 years ago

Forty years ago my Grandmother's oldest brother, John Pecka died in a car accident. The reason I bring this up is one I was only six months old and I was promised a dolly,but never got it; however, on a more serious note, Uncle John predicted his own death.

He told my Grammy, that when that they were at a party dancing, that the next time she would see him was at his funeral.

That weekend he was hit by foreign exchange students.

My Uncle John did have the sixth sense. He talked to his deceased parents and was a follower of Edgar Casey. He had copious notes on his ability, but these were destroyed by family members after his passing.

He was just a regular person like all of us. I wonder when we are united in the next life, we will understand his gift.

I wonder if any other relative has this psychic ability.

Friday, January 15, 2010

SWOT analysis

In my management class, we talked about how companies created SWOT analysis. You can even do one on yourelf. So here goes:

STRENGTHS - Intelligent, thin, gentle, kind, caring, happy, friendly, nice smile

WEAKNESSES - Doesn't speak up enough, dry sense of humor

Opportunity - Explore new worlds through the Internet, Exercies, Classes

Threats - Getting old. Boredom

If anyone has any ideas on what to add, please feel free to do so. You may even want to do one yourself.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I know I am jumping the gun, but it is never too early to start planning for spring time. According to my psychic, If I do not meet Mr. January, I could meet someone in March. With January in full swing, I am covering all my options.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's all about me

I made the comment once, "It's all about me" and my friend Mark agreed. He was so right that when I turned forty, I wanted to be vain. Today I did: teeth whitening at the dentist.

People who I told said your teeth are white enough. I know, but they were not perfect and I wanted to something for me and the teeth whitening was the answer.

Some people have lasik, liposuction, botox, hair replacement,permament makeup application, breast implants and other needless procedures, to make them happy. I chose something that would hurt the least and was the most economically sound.

I think everyone should make themselves happy first. No matter the size of the ego!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Michele A Mrazik

Yes, the title of today's pithy summary is about me. My name is Michele A. Mrazik and I am the author of this blog.

Last night I read an article about blogs by Will Manley in American Libraries. In it, he was considering starting a blog. That way he could say anything he wanted and not hold back. If you know Will's column, you know it is in jest. Although the article was humorous, he was correct in addressing that one can say anything crude, cruel, scandalous and not be held responsible. He compared it to the KKK hiding underneath the white sheets, but in this case behind the computer screen.

I will speak the truth in this blog and be proud of what I have to say, and wish all the same to all of you as well.

Gee, I sound like a politician.


When Deborah told me not to get hung up on looks, I thought that's a no brainer. I learned that as a child. Did not need to hear it again.

Then again, all of the men I have gone out with could end up posing for GQ. It is not that I select men for their potential of being a male model. I pick them for their lovely personalities.

Okay, I will listen to Deborah more and choose men who could end up in National Geographic. Wonder if Mr. January likes to read.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Try harder

I was told by the psychic that I have not been trying too hard in finding Mr. Right. I told her that is not true since I did She said I would never meet anyone online. This would not be the path for me to take.

For all of you, Heather, Dennis,Andrew, Steven and all of you who have found your soul mates, good for you; I am happy.

I could not go through online dating again. For the few men I did feel a connection, they were rude and thoughtless. Thank you John for not being one of them.

Even though I had a few dates, I did meet a couple of kindred spirits along the way who were there just to give a friendly virtual HI.

Plus,I am not going to spend another $100 on virtual humiliation.

I can not wait until June. It is the date when will officially delete me from their system. After my six months were over this past June, Match will keep my profile for a year in case I want to come back. Doubt it!

Wonder if Mr. January ever used Match. I guess I'll find out.

The M word

The clairvoyant, Deborah also told me I spend a lot of time thinking about getting married. I was taken aback since the thought of marriage is buried so deep in my subconscious that I forget that I am thinking about it. She was right again.

Of course I am going to be thinking about it. I am forty years old and I would think I would have been married by now. Plus have a few children as well.

OK, God, I feel like Moses being in the desert for forty years.

I am not opposed to marriage. Nobody has asked me! The Lehigh Valley area does not have a lot of prospects. The men I have been with lately all have the extra baggage. There is nothing wrong with baggage, but when it outweighs the advantages of the relationship, you know it is not worth it.

OK, Mr. January, do you think of marriage as much as I do.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Revelation about others

Deborah remarked on how I worry about everyone else. This was at the beginning at the session and it was true because when it was time for questions, I asked about my parents, a few relatives, Monsignor and friends at DeSales.

She said my parents would be fine as well Monsignor K at my church. I did not ask about my brother and his family because he is a non-believer.

The one relative I asked about, Uncle Steve she said, "He would find his way in about two years." Other relatives would have to deal with the problems they have created before things would be okay.

One of my friends at DeSales, Dr.Rob is no longer employed there. She said all would work out well for him. Things must be good, because I heard a couple of weeks ago he was engaged.

Now, I wonder how Mr. January is doing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Appliance revelation

One thing Deborah, the clairvoyant told me when she took my hand was, "I have a frail immune system." Now if you know me I was having a lot of trouble with my sinuses and dry eye and not feeling my best. Plus when I had gone to see Deborah, I had just had a whirlwind summer: went to Europe, Florida and then moved into my condo; so, of course I was not taking good care of myself.

I said, "I was worried about the condo." She then went on saying it would all be fine, but there would be trouble with an appliance, but nothing major.

Not believing her, in the back of my mind I knew the water heater would need working on; so, I asked her which appliance? Without a moment's hesitation, she said the water heater.

Okay, I believe.

Anyway, hope she is right with Mr. January.

Third prediction

They say things come in threes; so, here is the third prediction from Deborah. She sees a 2 year old boy in my future. The child's parents are not identified. None of my neighbors have children. My relatives do not have a two year old. The boy could be mine or it could be Mr. January.

I was more excited about hearing about the little dog than this prediction. Maybe because a dog is more easily obtainable than a child; however, both bring love.

Interesting to see how this plays out.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

MBA challenge

I started my MBA challenge by sitting in on my first class: Marketing and Management. It was a lot of fun. As an icebreaker, the ten of us had to say two truths about ourselves and one lie.

1. I met Oliver North
2. I am a librarian
3. I am a Dallas Cowboy fan

Growing up in Eagle country all my life, there is no way I am a Cowboy fan.

The time went fast since Dr. Jobs made it interesting with his stimulating lecture and power point slides. I know pp can be deadly, but he did not read them word for word like some professors do.

Even though the class moved quickly, there were no single men in attendance. I guess Mr. January has better things to do.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

MBA tonight

Tonight I start my MBA class. I am taking "Marketing and Management." This is one of four foundation classes I need to take since my undergrad degree is not in business.

The reason I want to take this class and embark on an MBA is because I need something to do. When I turned 40, I was experiencing a mini life crisis and wanted some new direction. I should have thought of an easier adventure, but hey why not.

I appreciate all the support from my family, colleagues, friends, and cyber buddies.

Let the work begin.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resolutions 2010

Most of you will say that I do not need to lose weight; however, my friends and I have a bet for six months on who can lose the most weight. The winner will receive two tickets to the State Theater. In my case, if I can lose ten pounds I will be happy. The main reason I am doing this is because it will give me something to do.

I lost ten pounds before. Then I had to go to Bermuda and gain it all back. I know the cruise dining did me in.

Additionally, I am trying to give up caffeine, mainly in hot tea. Today I am off to a good start. I only poured myself one cup of tea so far. Usually in the morning, I might have up to two or three cups.

Wish me luck!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Airbag repair

My new year is shaping up in terms of big bills. I took my car over to Gilboy for the airbag light and an oil change. I finally broke down and took it in for repair of the airbag after three months of having it not turn off.

Besides the airbag and oil change, I needed new windshield wipers, shocks, and brake fluid replacement. The total around $711.00

Along with these problems, they noticed my cracked fender. There was a man from Daku auto body there who said I might be able to place an insurance claim for it. He also gave me an estimate on how much it might cost me: $2,700.00. This price tag is the main reason it is not repaired.

Other than that, life is good!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Night at the Sands

If it is my year to shine, why did not I win at the Sands? My mom, dad, my friend Stephanie J and I went to the casino after church last night. I organized it and we were all hoping to win.

My mom and Stephanie really did not want to come, but they were the big winners of the night. My mom won $331 on a .25 slot machine and Stephanie won $771 on a .01 Yoda slot machine.

Even though my dad and I did not win, we were treated to the Irish Pub by my mom.

Maybe next time I should start a mantra of not wanting to go to the casino and maybe I might win!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prediction #2 - Little Dog

Another prediction was that there is a little dog in my future. Not ever having a dog, this will be interesting to see if it pans out.

I have never owned a dog; the main reason not having the time to take care of it. I would hate to see the animal at home while I would be working all day. Plus taking care of animals is comparable to raising children. You have to feed them, clean them, take them to the doctor when they are sick and entertain them.

I know animals like children give you a lot in return namely love and companionship.

If I do see myself with a dog, it would definitely be a small one. I would not want a big one that it would overpower me. My friend Chrys has an Argentinian Dogo named Duncan. He is a lovable creature and weighs as much as me. When I first met him, I was afraid; however, it did not last as when I visit, I play fetch with one of his toys and get a lick on the legs.

Who knows I might not purchase a pet and the man I meet in January might have a small one. Then again you do not see most men with little dogs.

If you think I'm going to have a dog in my future let me know. Also if you would like to guess the type of dog it will be, drop me a line as well.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Mr. January - Prediction #1

One thing Deborah told me is that I would encounter my soulmate in January. I would meet him at a church function but it would not be at my church. This man would also share my same religious beliefs.

She also said, if I would become involved with someone in the fall of 2009, I would become too preoccupied and miss him. " Since this was August, I was not going to let my chances to date be diminished with the thought of maybe finding someone next year.

I am excited about finding someone this month. If you would like to throw out a date when I will meet him or the name, please go right ahead. Maybe I'll take the lucky person out to lunch.

The countdown begins.

January 2010 Finally Here

When I turned 40 in August, I went with my friend, Chrys to see a psychic, Deborah Edwards in the Poconos. I thought it would be fun and Chrys' mom, Joan had seen Debbie a few months prior to our reading and vouched for her psychic ability. She was able to connect Joan with her twin sister who died more than twenty years ago.

With the endorsement from Joan, I was game.

Chrys and I met Debbie at a resort. Nothing fancy, but the atmosphere was better than something on Atlantic City's boardwalk. In A.C. I feel most of those psychic readers are charlatans and are only there to take your money which does not make me comfortable in the least.

I was the first one to have my reading done. Before any predictions were given, Debbie created a character profile by only holding my hand, no questions were asked.

This is what she said about my personality:

  • Frail immune system - could have been the fact that I had a whirldind summer and did not have a chance to rest.
  • I was in the teaching profession - Being a librarian I do some teaching
  • My position suits me
  • Parents are proud of me
  • Always wanting to help everyone else before myself
  • Nervous and hyper type
For the skeptics, these can come across as vague; however, she just gained this information by only holding my hand. Plus, when Debbie read my friend Chrys, she told her," that you are a much different read from your friend." This indicated that each of us are unique and the profiles would not have made any sense if Chrys and my profiles were reversed or the same.

Deborah only does appointments. She can be reached at 570-595-2792